Custom Mouthguards

Protect Your Smile With a Mouthguard Designed Just for You

Premier Arts Dental -

Have You Been Searching for the Perfect Mouthguard?

We know a lot of people avoid wearing mouthguards because they’re uncomfortable. They get in the way of speech and sometimes hamper breathing, but custom mouthguards are different.

The Benefits of Custom-Fit Mouthguards

Are you or is someone you love involved in sports? Do you always wear a mouthguard? If not, consider these interesting facts:


  • Up to 40% of dental injuries are sustained during sports activities.
  • The cost of a custom mouthguard is a small fraction of the cost of dealing with dental trauma.
  • Not wearing a mouthguard makes you 60 times more likely to sustain an injury to the face and mouth.

A Custom Mouthguard Made at Premier Arts Dental for Your Comfort and Protection

A mouthguard specifically designed for you is much more comfortable and less bulky, making talking, breathing, and swallowing easier. With a custom-fit mouthguard, you’ll enjoy added protection against cut lips, a cut tongue, and concussions. Dr. Shah only uses materials of the highest quality so your mouthguard will last.


Talk to us about a custom mouthguard fitting so you can avoid injury and stay at the top of your game! Give us a call today at (732) 702-2787 or send us a quick email. Your long-term health and safety are our highest concerns.

Mondays: 10AM – 7PM
Tuesdays: 8AM – 5PM
Wednesdays: Closed
Thursdays: 10AM – 7PM
Fridays: 8AM – 2PM
Closed, appointments by special request only